What is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey is the path a customer takes while interacting with a business, ideally en route to a purchase. It often consists of multiple touchpoints across multiple channels. For example, a customer might see an ad for a product on TV, call the 1-800 number to find out more information, think about it for a couple of days, and then go online to make a purchase. A customer journey map is a visual representation of this journey from the customer's perspective, which means it not only includes quantitative data, but also information about the customer's goals for the journey and what she's thinking and feeling along the way.

Customer journey maps take different forms - they might be swim lanes on a spreadsheet or a flow chart. There isn't any right or wrong format. What's important is that the customer journey map clearly depicts the multiple touchpoints across the journey in a way that viewers of the map can understand the experience from the customer's viewpoint. This includes highlighting significant details such as rough transitions between channels, barriers to making purchases, and inferior experiences in specific touchpoints.

Customer journeys are unique and nonlinear. Because of this, it would be impossible (and probably unhelpful) to map every possible scenario. In response, organizations may create typical customer journey maps for their customer personas, or they might map out the most common journeys. Customer journey maps need to provide actionable information and companies that take this type of approach are avoiding the "analysis paralysis" that comes with too much nonvital information. This allows them to, instead, focus on making improvements to the journey, such as increasing agents product knowledge or revamping the online checkout process.

Organizations that go through the process of creating customer journey maps can gain much insight into what their customers are experiencing. When done right, it's a worthwhile effort.

How NICE can help

We provide products designed to help customers have a smooth and seamless omnichannel journey.

NICE is the market leader in providing customers the cloud contact center software they need to deliver consistently exceptional customer experiences. Benefits include:

CXone provides an intelligent, unified suite of applications covering the breadth of contact center management disciplines, simplifying administration and streamlining the user experience.


NICE CXoneは、チャネル、データ、アプリケーション、ナレッジを1つのプラットフォームに集約し、CXをダイナミックに向上させる、インタラクション中心のプラットフォームです。

NICE CXoneは、規模を問わず世界中の企業で導入され、卓越したCXの実現を支援しています。クラウドネイティブのプラットフォームは、企業のニーズに合わせて柔軟に機能を追加、拡張することが可能で、コールセンターの運営を総合的に支援するよう設計されています。

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