What is Co-browse?

Co-browse is technology that allows an agent and a customer to operate the same web page at the same time during a voice or digital interaction. It enables the agent to guide the customer through the company website, highlight areas of interest on a web page to help the customer focus and support them to fill in web forms. Co-browse is used in customer service situations where the agent will be able to provide more effective service if she can see what the customer is seeing - for example, a long online application that the customer is struggling to complete.

Co-browse is simple for the customer to use because it doesn't require any downloads. For example, when a customer and agent are talking on the phone and find that initiating a co-browse session will help in resolving the customer issue, the customer simply needs to provide the contact center agent with a PIN that signals the customer’s agreement to initiate co-browsing. Co-browse can typically also be used during online chat sessions.

Co-browse is typically very secure because the agent can only see the specific site that the customer has enabled them to see. Agents can't see any other browser tabs nor can they see the customer's desktop. Additionally, companies can mask specific fields on their website so that agents can't see anything they aren't authorized to see. Customers can choose to end the co-browse session whenever they want, which provides another level of security. And because it's a peer-to-peer solution, it's resistant to hacking and malware.

In the right situations, co-browse can be another tool organizations can use to improve customer satisfaction.

How NICE can help

NICE is the market leader in providing customers the cloud contact center software they need to deliver consistently exceptional customer experiences. Benefits include:

CXone provides an intelligent, unified suite of applications covering the breadth of contact center management disciplines, simplifying administration and streamlining the user experience.


NICE CXoneは、チャネル、データ、アプリケーション、ナレッジを1つのプラットフォームに集約し、CXをダイナミックに向上させる、インタラクション中心のプラットフォームです。

NICE CXoneは、規模を問わず世界中の企業で導入され、卓越したCXの実現を支援しています。クラウドネイティブのプラットフォームは、企業のニーズに合わせて柔軟に機能を追加、拡張することが可能で、コールセンターの運営を総合的に支援するよう設計されています。

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