
The latest and the greatest in the world of BPO


The industry of business process outsourcing (BPO) has undergone significant shifts in recent turbulent years – with the global market forecast to hit over 512 billion USD by 2023.

Here are some top trends to consider in order to keep up with new transformative expectations and strategic opportunities.

White Papers

Building the Next-Gen BPO eBook

The CX outsourcing market size is expected to hit over $512 billion by 2030. Yet it’s getting more challenging for CX outsourcers to compete every day because customer journeys are increasingly complex.

White Papers

ContactBabel - US Contact Center Verticals: Outsourcing Report

Companies are constantly looking for ways to enhance CX performance, reduce costs, and gain a substantial competitive edge. Working with CX outsourcers is becoming an even bigger solution to meeting those goals. Currently, the overall number of outsourcer US agent positions is around 585 thousand.

Case Studies

Sitel - NICE CXone Partnership Blossoms

Fully Managed CX Solution for clients