Pfizer improves agent experience through a consolidated IVR
AI and Automation that delivers customer satisfaction.
By leveraging natural speech to collect caller information and determine optimal handling and applying AI purpose-built for a consistent and optimal customer experience. CXone Mpower delivers unbeatable customer satisfaction. Centralized administration is complemented by a fully unified, cloud-native platform to build intelligent data-directed and AI powered routing, so you can resolve customer calls quickly and efficiently – every time.“Incorporating self-service options in the CXone IVR was a major objective of this project. And it’s working. Especially regarding ease of use, we’re seeing progress: ‘Satisfied’ and ‘very satisfied’ responses combined are in the 40s, very consistently. We [DHHS Leadership and MiECC] are pleased with that, as government systems often get low marks due to upset callers.”
Adam YuskoApplication Development Associate Manager, State of Michigan Dept. of Health and Human Services