Conversational AI and Chat bots - Optimize Your CX

Make it easy for customers to self-serve

Give customers what they want—faster self-service that feels human—with conversational AI voice and chat bots.

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Self-service that feels like a conversation.

Let customers serve themselves for basic needs like shipping status, scheduling, and account inquiries using conversational AI and chat bots.

Serve more customers for less cost

Meet demand during peak times and keep customers happy. Make answers easy to find on their own. Eliminate the need to rely on an agent.

Automate resolution with conversation

Intelligent virtual agents get customers on their way quickly with full first-touch resolution that leaves them smiling.

Orchestrate virtual agents with ease

Flexible options for you to choose. Use our powerful conversational IVA, build your own chat bot with our low-code tools, or bring your own bot.

Conversational AI made easy

Simplify deployment of AI-powered bots and intelligent virtual agents with an open framework for ultimate flexibility. Get up and running quickly—whether you use our truly intelligent virtual agent, build it on CXone Mpower or bring your own.

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business consulting

A starter’s guide to AI Chat Bots.

81% of customers want brands to offer more options to self-serve. AI Chat bots and virtual agents automate customer support around the clock. Get best practices and tips for choosing the right type of bot for your business.

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Make self-service simple. Drive better results with AI.

NICE provides flexible options for you to deliver the self-service of your dreams—with the best CX and success rates possible. Use CXone Mpower Autopilot to fully resolve customer requests for service and support. Give your customers knowledge at their fingertips with Autopilot Knowledge. Choose to bring your own bot via Virtual Agent Hub.

Full, conversational resolution with AI

Full, conversational resolution with AI

Use our highly intelligent virtual agent to fully resolve customer service and support needs with human level of comprehension.

No-code/low-code tools

Knowledge at your fingertips

Deploy self-service knowledge bots with generative AI-led, brand-aligned bots for the best possible CSAT and containment.

Personalized experiences

Personalized experiences

Personalize self-service with data. Connect any back-end information systems or third-party apps. Take advantage of prebuilt integrations for quick use.

Continuous flow

Continuous flow

Maintain full control of contact flow for the best customer experience possible. Seamlessly elevate conversations to agent with full context, so customers never start over when they transfer.

Easy to deploy

Easy to deploy

Open framework simplifies deployment of AI-powered bots and intelligent virtual agents for ultimate flexibility. Customize and deploy quickly with the option to integrate knowledge management, rich media, and more.

Omnichannel self-service

Omnichannel self-service

Give customers convenience, no matter the channel. Conversational voice plus all kinds of digital chat channels, including social media messaging.

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Conversational AI and Chat bots: FAQs