To gain an appreciation of servicing and customer experience (CX) plans for the upcoming year, DMG Consulting LLC (DMG) has conducted an annual survey of enterprise, contact center, CX, and IT executives around the world for the past 10 years (excluding 2019). The surveys ask corporate and contact center leaders to identify their top business and technology investment goals for the new year. Each yearly survey presents a wide range of CX and contact center priorities and provides insights into how and where organizations plan to make changes and spend their technology dollars. Survey findings function as a guide for companies by uncovering what other businesses, including competitors, are focusing on to improve their CX. For vendors, it helps craft their messaging to better capture enterprise mindshare and investment dollars.
The most recent survey for 2025 was conducted in December 2024; this timing is consistent with previous years. It was sent to four targeted global mailing lists, including DMG's. The survey consisted of five questions and was designed to take less than two minutes to complete.