NICE Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy

NICE has a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption . We conducts our business in an ethical and transparent manner and in full compliance with all relevant anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and international best practices.

At NICE, we do not offer or accept bribes or kickbacks in any form and we do not stand for corruption in connection with any of our business dealings. We prohibit receiving or giving bribes or kickbacks to any individual, whether that individual is a government official or a private party.

We have implemented an Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy, which embodies what we stand for, and we require that everyone at NICE and working with NICE (including our partners, suppliers, and other representatives) will do their outmost to help us maintain the high ethical business standards and diligence required to implement and maintain our Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy.

As a part of our process to select and retain the most qualified business partners who share similar values as us, we are committed to ensuring that others who conduct business on our behalf comply with our policies and processes to prevent bribery and corruption. This commitment includes conducting risk-based due diligence and vetting of our representatives.

We are committed to ensuring our employees understand what is expected of them and grow their skills around ethical decision-making. We require periodic anti-bribery and corruption training from all our employees and additional trainings are provided to relevant populations.

NICE expects and requires full cooperation by all, to immediately bring to our attention any incident or concern regarding any possible inappropriate behavior or breach of NICE’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy. We encourage anyone with information regarding these matters to submit a report to the Company. NICE encourages reporters to add their name and contact details to facilitate follow-ups. Reports may also be submitted anonymously via Ethics Point. NICE will not tolerate any retaliation against individuals reporting a concern in good-faith.

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