- It quickly and easily relates the sentiment behind the communication
- Visuals give us a more universal, standardized language across cultures and regions
- Its imagery is closely tied to branding

Three Reasons to Use Visual Language in the Contact Center
digital interaction channels in the contact center.An MIT neuroscientist team discovered that “the human brain can process entire images that the eye sees for as little as 13 milliseconds—the first evidence of such rapid processing speed.”1 And it’s been widely reported that most people are visual learners. One study presented by the National Center for Biotechnology Information shows that about 56% of people learn visually.2 Rather than comprehending and retaining information through auditory, verbal, or kinesthetic cues, these people learn best by seeing things: diagrams, videos, spatial relationships, body language, facial expressions—you name it.Considering this trend, it’s not hard to figure out why emojis, GIFs, and meme culture are so popular today. But why does using visual language like this work so well for brands that want to boost the customer experience?
Imagination. Visualization. Insight. These words are part of our verbal language. But more importantly, they suggest just how much humans think in images. When you look at stats on the influence of visual language as a communication vehicle, you start to realize what kind of impact it can have on customer experience. Especially with the rise of