According to Mark Smith, CEO and Chief Research Officer at Ventana Research,
over two thirds of organizations today, and in the future, indicate customer experience as their top way to compete for customers. Let that sink in for a moment. When it comes to growing their business, these organizations are betting that customer experience is more important than product or branding. This seems counter-intuitive – but is it? For myself, I recall doing business with a lesser-known, less-experienced organization because I felt they were more relatable.
Consider these companies who have risen to become successful because of loyal customers: Southwest Airlines, LaCroix Sparkling Water, In-N-Out, Trader Joe's, Dollar Shave Club, Zappos, and more. Each of these companies compete in well-established markets often dominated by much larger competitors. Yet these companies thrive because of their fanatically loyal customers.
If you manage a call center, now is the time to start laying claim to your share of those dollars going to R&D and marketing!
Markets and opportunities move fast. Consumers have more power than ever before. Social media accelerates the flow of information and gives everyone a voice. Technology all but makes time and place irrelevant by providing anytime, anywhere access to almost anything. If any organization is perceived as being too hard to work with, then it’s all too easy move on to another company. Does this fact strike fear or spark excitement?
The key to
delivering exceptional customer experience lies with an organization’s ability to be agile. Yes, speed is important. But even more important is an ability to change when critical change is required. And it’s precisely this lack of agility that poses one of the greatest barriers to giving customers what they want, in the time and place they desire.
If your call center is more than 5 years old, you are not alone. Again, according to Mark Smith, 2021 only 50% of organizations will have transformed their business to be more intelligent and automated by embracing digital technology. The real question is, will you use this time of disruption to take advantage of market opportunities.
Join Mark Smith in a discussion on how to transform your call center. During this presentation, Mark will talk about what digital transformation means to contact center leaders, what technologies are “must haves” and offer six recommendations to help you build a compelling business case to fund your call center make-over.