Most of the time AI is as comprehensible as R2D2’s, “Beep Bloop Blop Bleep Boops.” Can anyone explain AI and how it works—like really?But what if learning Contact Center AI were as engaging as “Blade Runner”? If understanding how it works could be less painless than how its portrayed in “2001: A Space Odyssey”? And, what if understanding AI could make you feel as empowered as the Terminator? It can.
Download the eBook to learn how AI works through pop culture and movie examples of AI, and “Come with me if you want to learn…” about contact center AI, including:
- What is AI—and what isn’t it? What can AI do?
- Learn how AI makes computers talk conversationally, understand and learn
- Get a grasp on concepts like machine learning and natural language processing
- Learn what movies get right (and wrong) about Contact Center AI
- Plus, see if you can identify all the iconic references