Case Study: CARiD

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CARiD Improves Operations with NICE

CARiD is a technology-driven, digital commerce company focused on creating custom infrastructure and unique user experiences within niche markets with CXone.

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Over several years of continuous change CARiD had lost market share and customer loyalty. Now, in pursuit of improved sales and customer experiences, CARiD looked to replicate NICE-led improvements in performance management—the likes of which had reduced AHT by 30% and AHLDT by 50%—to orchestrate a higher-value customer journey. The deep insights needed to improve the customer experience would be of value outside the contact center, too, by influencing enterprise-level decision making in a period of transformative change.


CARiD dug deep into CXone features to get proactive, strategically assigning subject matter experts to perform outbound calls to customers who had abandoned carts or calls, and by automating the push of customer feedback regarding web performance to the developers responsible for fixes and upgrades. All CARiD employees—especially its commission-based salespeople—are excited by the prospect of being supercharged with AI-powered customer insights and product recommendations in the near future.