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Fresh Ways to Energize Your Digital Customer Engagement

Fresh Ways to Energize Your Digital Customer Engagement

Do you believe that the relationship between your business and its customers ends when they make a purchase? If so, your digital customer engagement might need a little tweaking to meet the needs of today’s modern consumers. Customers today require a lot more attention than they might have a few decades ago. People today are used to having their needs met instantaneously; doing otherwise can lead to a loss of business.
Kids playing while father works

Did 2020 Reveal the future of Public Sector Contact Centers?

Now that 2021 is upon us and there is a faintly visible conclusion to the pandemic, the question remains – will public sector contact centers revert to the models they had relied on prior to COVID-19? The answer is unequivocally NO. Regardless of how the adoption of new flexible models in the contact center arrived (and yes, the speed with which it was done amid the pandemic was a painful way to do it) the reality is, it’s done. Contact center leaders have made the pivot.

How to Support Omnichannel Staffing

As customer service becomes increasing digital, contact centers must handle a larger variety of channels than ever before. A recent study by the Society for Workforce Planning Professionals (SWPP) found that more than 62% of agents now handle phone calls as well as other channels like email and web chat. On average, the study found, contact centers now handle phone calls plus four additional channels.