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get an a in cx and smarter self service

Get an A+++ in CX and smarter self-service using AI, automation, and analytics

A half-baked digital platform isn’t enough to keep up with the demands of a digital world. Often, what’s really required is a system that keeps up with thousands of simultaneous interactions and can meet customer needs and match the complexity of every exchange. Check out these short videos to learn how you can implement a knowledge management platform to upscale your self-service and deliver impactful customer experiences 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
new years resolution build your customer

New Year’s Resolution: Build your customer loyalty with great customer experiences through improved AI and agent interactions

Did anybody else lose touch with friends during the pandemic? Working remotely and living in this segmented new normal has had its challenges and has done wonders at separating us from one another. Becca Jensen has certainly felt the disconnect and for that reason has decided that her New Year resolution is to let a few friends know that she has been thinking about them. Cards won’t cut it. She wants to send something more meaningful: Flowers!