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The Automation Economy is here…. now what?

The Automation Economy is here…. now what?

Dubbed by the World Economic Forum as the 4th industrial revolution, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (in its many forms) is set to shape global job markets, customer expectations and business profitability on a global scale.

How the Robot revolution can save the planet?

If you search Google for Robots, you would be forgiven for thinking that Robot revolution will end the world. When I researched this recently, I discovered that if Robots don’t kill us, they are going to steal our jobs, steal our partners and lead to global war. But before you think your robot vacuum cleaner will turn nasty, let’s consider this decision in a historical context. A 70,000 year old historical context.

Robotic Process Automation is More than Just Hype

If you’ve read the news or spoken to any colleagues over the last decade, chances are you already know something about Robotic Process Automation. You could be living in a cave and still have heard of it, with all the attention it has gotten recently. RPA, Automation, Robotic Automation, Robots, Bots – all are common names for a powerful business paradigm shift that is happening right before our eyes.

NICE named a worldwide Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape CCaaS report

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