White Papers

NICE CXone WFM Agent Empowerment on the Go


In today's dynamic contact center landscape, businesses face the dual challenge of maintaining high service levels while effectively managing costs. Agent satisfaction and retention are significant factors in this equation.

Research shows that rigid work schedules and a lack of flexibility are significant drivers of agent turnover. Contact centers must adopt more flexible work models that align with agents' personal needs. This whitepaper explores how the CXone Workforce Management (WFM) Mobile application addresses these challenges by empowering agents with the tools they need to manage their schedules on the go, fostering a more adaptable and sustainable work experience.

White Papers

Empowering Agents with CXone Workforce Management (WFM)

This white paper details the features of My Zone and the mobile app, including agent schedules, notifications, trade shifts, and self-service.


Workforce Management

Workforce Management Software (WFM). Discover top solutions with NICE.

White Papers

Scheduling in CXone WFM: Maximizing efficiency and boosting flexibility

Scheduling shifts in the contact center can be difficult. Circumstances can cause sudden changes, like moving scheduled activities when things are frenzied or adding a training session when you have enough employees to meet staffing requirements.