A marketing services company started as a family-owned database management company 30 years ago and has evolved into a multichannel marketing provider. Today, it provides marketing campaign development, printing, mailing, fulfillment. data management and contact center solutions to some of the country's largest non-profit, for-profit and government organizations.
Before COVID-19, the company's Virginia contact center was staffed by 20-25 agents. During the pandemic, the agents were transitioned to working from home.
Agents handle basic customer service needs including updating mailing addresses and emails. They also accept donations and take orders for merchandise, such as books and T-shirts, on behalf of their clients.
A marketing services company provides campaign support to some of the world's largest non-profit, for-profit and government organizations.
- CXone Omnichannel Routing
- CXone Reporting
- CXone Recording
- CXone Email
- CXone Chat
- CXone SMS
- Saving up to $3,000 per month by eliminating the need to hire outside consultants to make system updates
- 95% customer satisfaction rate
- 83% reduction in time needed to set up new clients
- Increased new client acquisitions
- Boosted client retention
- Increased revenue
- Decreased outages and increased system reliability
- Increased employee satisfaction
- Reduced wrap up time
- Decreased talk time
Before moving to NICE CXone™, the company used Five9, but it was difficult to create reports, outages were frequent and it was expensive and time-consuming to make system updates.
Almost all system changes, such as creating reports or making IVR modifications, had to be performed by Five9 consultants which was a lengthy and often expensive process.
The company received a limited number of consulting hours from Five9 each month and anything over that amount resulted in extra charges. It often exceeded its allotted monthly hours which could result in up to $3,000 in additional costs.
These extra charges needed to be approved by the Finance department, which was a time-consuming and stressful task for the contact center manager. It often took two or three days to compile the data to justify the extra expense.
To top it all off, there were also frequent outages: the system went down at least twice a month and was once down for a full 48 hours.
Given these challenges, the marketing services company started to look for a new cloud contact center solution. The contact center manager used NICE CXone at a previous employer and was keen to include it in the search.
When the company needed to get a new client's system live in four weeks, and Five9 couldn't meet the deadline, it decided the timing was right to move to CXone.
“Because it’s so easy to make system changes in CXone ourselves, we’ve eliminated up to $3,000 in outside consulting costs per month”
Marketing Services Company
83% Reduction in Time to Onboard New Clients
The impact of CXone was immediate: the time to set up new clients fell by 83%-what used to take eight to 12 weeks with Five9 now took just two weeks with CXone.
CXone's short set up time is a huge selling advantage for the company, because it can get new clients live quickly. It was also a major factor in increasing new client acquisition rates.
In addition, CXone's omnichannel solution lets the company's clients choose from a full range of channel options which, in turn, boosts revenue. With a unified omnichannel solution, like CXone, it can offer chat, email, SMS and more.
The Five9 system often froze and call quality was poor, which increased talk time. The company doesn't have those issue with CXone, which makes its clients happier, because it's satisfying SLAs.
Saving up to $3,000 Per Month in Consulting Fees
Today, the company builds its own reports using CXone Reporting, and clients appreciate the quick turn-around. For example, a client emailed the contact center manager at 6 a.m. asking for a new report. The manager made the changes quickly with CXone and had it to the client by 9 a.m. -well in advance of her noon meeting. CXone helps the company satisfy customers' requests by enabling a high level of service, which increases loyalty and satisfaction.
The contact center manager can also update the IVR system and changes are live immediately. This includes modifying holiday messages or call routing and setting up customized IVR messages for each customer, which is critical for quickly taking new clients' systems live.
The contact center uses CXone's skills-based routing to designate an " office work" status for agents which is used when there's a lull in interaction volumes and the agents perform manual tasks such as assembling mail. When volumes increase again, the agents' change their status to "active· and calls are automatically routed to them. CXone Reporting enables the contact center manager to easily track agents' time on and off the phones, so clients can be billed accurately.
The move to CXone was also fortuitous when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and the company needed to quickly transition agents to working from home. Since CXone is a cloud platform, the contact center team can be located anywhere-agents just need an Internet connection and login information to start working.
It's also easy for managers to observe agents' performance by remotely monitoring their screens and listening to live calls.
CXone enabled the marketing services company to pivot its business by increasing client acquisition and retention rates. It's now making more money by bringing in additional clients and offering them a broader range of services like email, chat and SMS. Its clients are so satisfied that they recommend the company to their colleagues. The contact center team is proud it has a 95% customer satisfaction rate.
The company believes NICE CXone offers exceptional service. It has not only seen a positive financial return with CXone, but it's also boosted the contact center team's efficiency while helping deliver an outstanding customer experience.
“Our talk time has decreased, which makes us and our clients happy. We can answer more calls while satisfying our SLAs with CXone.”
Marketing Services Company