Case Study: HireRight

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HireRight Realizes a “Huge Win” With NICE CXone Feedback Management

As one of the world’s largest providers of background check services, HireRight is committed to helping organizations of all sizes efficiently implement, utilize, and refine their background screening programs.

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Highly manual VOC processes

HireRight’s VOC programs were highly manual; the company had little insight into contact volume, and surveys were distributed via email and tracked using a spreadsheet. Leaders and managers were challenged to empower teams with formal performance feedback and found it difficult to harness data to drive process and service improvements.


Quality and interaction analytics converge

HireRight’s leadership team wanted to deliver a modernized customer experience (CX), which would require a more robust view of business intelligence and an understanding of where there were opportunities to improve. As it evaluated CX solutions, HireRight was looking for an off-the-shelf platform with all of the capabilities needed to run a world-class contact center. HireRight chose the NICE CXone platform, the leading cloud customer experience platform, because of its robust feature set and comprehensive capabilities, including CXone Feedback Management.


Understanding the root cause of complaints

HireRight approached implementation of CXone thoughtfully, one step at a time. The company started using CXone Feedback Management to provide statistical support to its account management team through a Salesforce integration with Tableau. This solution allowed line of sight and self-service access to customer-specific satisfaction data from the account management perspective.

Next, the company began to use survey feedback in its Customer Quality Program, which focuses on identifying customers with a higher volume of customer service interactions and uncovering the root cause of their issues. CXone Feedback Management proved its value with the very first use—a client that was complaining frequently about its drug screening process. Client-specific processes related to drug screening were buried in the client guidelines used by HireRight’s customer service agents. After learning that this was the root cause of the client’s complaints, HireRight moved the information up, displaying it more prominently for agents to reference with ease. CSAT jumped significantly as a result, from under 10 to nearly 80.

The next step was to automate how HireRight’s supervisors review and follow up with detractors. By tracking a wide variety of information—Was the detractor a client or an applicant contact? What was the detractor root cause? What was the true reason why they provided a less than favorable response?—HireRight can now identify needed improvements and track the effect of any remediation on CSAT.


Building a better organization

CXone Feedback Management has allowed HireRight to connect response information and Net Promoter Score (NPS) data directly to specific process and service gaps and track the effectiveness of process changes and improvements. In the first year of implementation, HireRight realized a 21% increase in NPS among its top-tier clients and was able to understand which client satisfaction improvements contributed to the gains.

HireRight realized similar success across clients included in its Customer Quality Program. Over the course of nine months, 55% of those clients realized an improvement in overall satisfaction, 45% realized an increase in satisfaction with agent professionalism, 32% realized an improvement in issue resolution, and 36% had an increase in NPS.

CXone Feedback Management also provides another data point—a non-punitive one—to help agents understand their performance.

“We can now share what the customer thinks about our performance overall and, in some cases, their performance as individuals,” said Todd Baxter, chief services officer at HireRight. “It’s incredibly powerful, very meaningful and tells the whole story about them, putting them at the center of the story.”


Expanding to overseas markets

CXone Feedback Management has enabled HireRight to increase visibility into CSAT metrics and drivers across the organization. Future plans include expanding use of the solution to other markets to drive improvements across the globe.

“Now, CSAT is one of the top five organizational focuses,” said Janie Dellinger, global quality supervisor at HireRight. “CXone Feedback Management has given additional visibility to those outside of customer service to be able to not just promote a better score but also really line up the ability for improved service and then measure it. It’s now an expected piece of what our go-to-market team uses and what C-level executives review.”