NICE Invoicing Policy

Services and Software will be invoiced as described in the table below, and may be invoiced by NICE or its Affiliates. For Transaction Documents where NICE and/or Customer are located in the United States or Canada, the carrier of record for all regulated telecommunications Services provided under a Transaction Document is inContact, Inc. or LiveVox, Inc., as applicable to the Services.

*Customer will be invoiced based upon actual usage for the period between the Initiation Date and the Commencement Date.

Minimum Commitment means the minimum committed amount, whether expressed in units or currency, of Cloud Services as specified in an Order.

Variance means, for NICE CXone Mpower and CXone Integrated Solution families, the difference between the actual spend for Cloud Services, excluding NRC and Network Connectivity charges (if applicable), versus the Minimum Commitment (for the avoidance of doubt, this will be measured monthly (MRC) or annually (ARC) depending on the type of commitment) or, for NICE CX Solution family, the actual number of licenses, or additional Network Connectivity, used by Customer in excess of the Minimum Commitment.