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What Customers Really Think of Chatbots

What Customers Really Think of Chatbots

Ready for a statement that will make you think? Gartner predicts that 85% of customer interactions will be managed without humans in 2021. This might be a scary notion for agents who are sensitive to job security but rest assured that human agent jobs aren’t going away. Why? The Contact Center is still inherently a forum for human engagement. The 85% of interactions that can be offloaded from human agents will be represented by the pesky repeat issues and questions that customers have that can sap an agent’s productivity. Imagine the additional productivity you can get from your agents if they aren’t chasing down account balances or processing payments? The reality is, bots and virtual agents will be a complement to their human counterparts, not a replacement. Bots and virtual agents will be helping their human teammates versus taking jobs from them.
5 cant miss ai use cases for your contact center

5 Can’t Miss AI Use Cases for Your Contact Center

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest buzzword in the business world. Organizations are looking to AI to do everything from automating help desk responses to speeding up the development of life-saving drugs. It's true that artificial intelligence has the potential to transform business processes and outcomes, but AI isn't the answer to all of life's problems and the technology needs to evolve a lot before it can identify a cure for cancer.
experts series complete guide to implementing contact center ai

Experts Series: Complete Guide to Implementing Contact Center AI

The industry is abuzz with talk of AI (artificial intelligence). Advocates claim that contact center AI can do wonders to improve CSAT and lower operating costs. But how credible are these claims? It pays to carefully consider the specifics as to when, why, and how you plan to utilize AI in your contact center. This article provides context for how current AI solutions work, allowing you to decide which problems to solve, and offers eight best practices to help select and successfully manage an AI pilot project.