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NEVA Discover: Optimize Your Processes Based on Actionable Insights

There are thousands of inefficiencies across your business, ranging from process bottlenecks, execution gaps and error-prone manual tasks to systems latency and overreliance on the knowledge base. Yet identifying each of them and knowing which to focus on first in process automation and optimization efforts isn’t easy without access to the right data and insights.
How to Overcome the Digital Experience Dilemma

How to Overcome the Digital Experience Dilemma

Consumer demand for self-service has only intensified during the pandemic. Nearly two-thirds of CIOs (65%) have seen an increase in the use of self-service by customers or the general public, and 79% expect that usage to continue to grow, according to the Gartner CIO Agenda 2021. Already, some eight out of 10 enterprises today offer at least one self-service app, Forrester has found.

How to Relieve the Pain of Your Quality Program: A NICE Podcast

Shawn Smith, a system analyst at nonprofit health care company Cambia Health Solutions, works mainly with customer service teams. When he stepped into his role more than two years ago, Cambia’s quality evaluations were completed via a recording application and then documented in Word, Excel and OneNote. The organization’s quality program became an immediate focus for Smith, he said.

8 Employee Retention Strategies

For all the challenges the workforce has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been a few shifts that are actually good news for employees. In early 2020, millions of employees became full-time remote workers, a first for many of them—and for many contact centers as well. In an industry that has typically been reliant on in-person facilities, nearly 75% of contact centers now allow employees to work from home, with nearly four in 10 saying they will definitely continue agent work-from-home programs for agents and another third say they probably will continue them.