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Using WFO to Achieve Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage in a call center is all about providing best of breed service in the most efficient way possible which, to the many that strive for this, is more difficult to achieve than one might expect. It is this difficulty that makes achieving such optimal levels a powerful advantage. Although there are many factors...

Lets Talk About Your Hangups

System Signaling 7 or SS7 is the signaling protocol that drives most of todays modern telecom network. More information can be had at the IEC. Part of the SS7 protocol is a series of release cause codes. These are called ISDN or SS7 Release Cause codes These are numeric codes that provide information...

Are Brokerages Part of our Future in SaaS...

Gartner recently published a prediction that we will see a rise in Cloud Service Brokerages (https://bit.ly/Rxn2F) as a result of the steam that SaaS is picking up. In fact Gartner has also predicted that "...worldwide cloud services revenue will surpass $56.3 billion in 2009, which is a 21.3 percent increase over the $46.4 billion generated last...

Are You Prepared to Walk in the Forest

Its been a busy summer, and I have not written for a couple of weeks because I was off galavanting around Alaska. We stayed at a place in the woods, and my wife kept asking me if I wanted to go for a walk. I said 'No, I have no desire to go walking around...

Transactional IVR Survey Delivery Best Practices

The IVR is a common form of administering transaction-based customer satisfaction surveys in the call center. It involves delivering the survey to the participating customer automatically using pre-recorded question/answer prompts and capturing the customer's response using DTMF tones. There are also several ways in which a survey is delivered to a customer using the IVR....

WFM - Introducing a New Scheduling Process Part 5

OK, the schedule process changes are in full swing. Now what? Immediate and overwhelming success? That may be the case for a lucky few, but for the rest of us, we have to give it time. Part Five of a Five Part Series:1. Get Organized2. Ask Your Agents3. Share Your Strategy4. Test It5....

WFM - Introducing a New Scheduling Process Part 4

One thing I’ve learned as a product manager in the software industry is how absolutely critical it is to have test groups for your products, internally and externally as a beta group. The primary purpose of these test groups is to identify any defects or issues that would otherwise be a negative experience to our users. Part...