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When Bosses Go Knocking Remote Agents Go Walking

Editor’s Note: As we wrap up 2010, I wanted to share some of our favorite blog posts from the past year. We’ll be back with new content on January 4. This post by Nicole Burney first ran on August 30. As more companies transition from a brick-and-mortar workforce to an at-home model, they are quickly realizing the transition...

What Contributes to the Cost of a Contact Center

This post by Greg Smart first ran on May 17. People frequently ask me how much the technology costs to successfully run a contact center. What I find interesting about this question is that people often think that the technology component of running a contact center is one of the largest portions of the total cost of operation...but...

Happy Holiday Cart Abandonment

As a busy executive, working mother and wife, I rely on online shopping to save me from the holiday madness. And with two teenage children, my shopping experience has changed from a mad dash through Toys R Us to hunting for the best price for the Dr. Dre headphones my 16-year old is dying to have. I...

Get Social

In the past few weeks, I bought concert tickets, watched a bit of a live interview with former President George W. Bush, learned about two friend's engagements and read pages of news - and I did it all on Facebook. If you think social media is a fad where people simply write about what they had for...

Setting Goals for Your Contact Center in 2011

As we look forward to a new year, it's time to start thinking about how the past year has been and set goals for next year. Have you had a chance to think about what goals you are going to set for your contact center next year? It is easy to get caught in the trap of...