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The Perfect Storm

Technology makes everything easier, right? You can make calls from the pool, you can tweet from the top of a roller coaster, and you can check your bank balance day or night (via phone, web or mobile app). All of this convenience for us consumers is creating a "perfect storm" for customer service providers. As self-service, social...

Bringing on Web 3.0 Part II

If Web 2.0 technology consists of wikis, blogs, simulations, user-generated learning content, shared workspaces, virtual worlds, and simulations what is Web 3.0? As I wrote in my first blog in this series, Web 3.0 is the way of making the technologies of Web 2.0 work smarter. The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) recently published a study...

Queues Aren't Just for Call Centers...

Recently, I was visiting with an NICE CXone customer who was setting up a new queue for their receptionists. This was challenging during the first day because the reception desk wasn’t accustomed to answering calls from a queue. However, once the first half hour passed and they were starting to get the hang of it...they LOVED...

Bringing on Web 3.0 Part I

I drive a vehicle that has been converted to run on compressed natural gas (CNG). I bought this vehicle because I wanted a pickup truck but didn’t want to pollute the air with its "not so great" gas mileage and pay the high gas prices. CNG burns clean and is less than a third of the price...

Proactive Communications

A couple of months ago, while on vacation, I was awoken on the last day of my trip by Delta Airlines, telling me that my 4:00pm flight had been cancelled, and I had been automatically rebooked for a flight the next day. I sprang out of bed, got hold of an agent and started figuring out how...

Great Things Afoot at Google

Google just recently had their Google I/O conference on May 10-11, 2011. I watched what I could from my office here in Salt Lake since Google was kind enough to stream it. I do wish that included the limited edition Galaxy Tab (10.1 running Android 3.0) that was given to all 5,000 attendees. The...

Why Do You Rob Banks

Willie Sutton was a famous U.S. bank robber. When asked why he robbed banks, he responded by saying, "because that’s where the money is". That logic and answer can be applied to all types of data security incidents. Often times, what makes a given system a target is because, "That’s where the data...