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Economics of the Cloud

Last week I was invited to speak in a joint UK/US session put on the by Utah Chapter of the World Trade Center. The topic of discussion was "Economics of the Cloud," meaning cloud computing or hosted services. There were business leaders from many industries in attendance ranging from Education to HR recruiting to Government and high...

Data Leak Be Prepared with DLP

Last Christmas, I gave my son-in-law a pair of pipe wrenches! I thought, 'What a great gift!' My wife, my daughter and I suspect my son-in-law were nonplussed. I assured them this was a truly great and thoughtful gift. They were perplexed but they could tell I was obviously excited. Well, the...
follow the sun

Follow the Sun

I had the opportunity to present at NICE CXone’s annual user’s conference, ICUC 2011 a couple of weeks ago. The conference gets better and better each year in terms of attendance, content and networking opportunities. My session was titled “Follow the Sun, How to Create a 24/7 Contact Center”. I discussed key ways that contact centers can expand beyond...

Incident and Breach Management

Incident response and breach management are concerns for all businesses today, and in our wired society, there are opportunities for data loss in surprising places. Take for example the recent Sony breach where the information of millions of gamers was compromised, or that iPhones were tracking where you went, and don’t even get me started on Facebook...

ICUC 2011 Final Recap

At 12:00pm MT today, ICUC 2011 came to a close. We had a fantastic user conference this year! In fact, there was so much going on, it was physically impossible to get to every single thing. So, we made it easy for you with a short recap video of the highligts of ICUC 2011!Thanks to all who...