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Let's Get Ready to Code!

This year ICUC is in October, however it’s never too early to start preparing for one of our favorite events at our annual user conference – the Coder Royale contest! Each year we award a cash prize and trophy to the developer with the best solution. We are always amazed at the creativity and out-of-the-box thinking we...

Cloud Maturity

The Cloud Security Alliance, in conjunction with ISACA will be initiating a new working group to perform research on what it means to have Market Maturity in the Cloud. This is a very interesting subject for me. I have been working in the telecommunications and data industry now for over 25 years. During that time, I...

Diamonds in the Rough

I recently typed in an inquiry for Google search. My query was in the form of three simple words. "Decision making techniques." The search yielded fifty-five million, five hundred thousand results. It was suddenly very hard to make a decision on which decision methods might be best to begin helping me make decisions properly. The very first link...
cloud contact center

The Contact Center of the Future

Popular media has long tried to forecast what the future will hold for all of us. Based on what I watched in my youth, I thought I'd be riding a Hoverboard and have a robotic maid that came with my floating glass house by now. When it comes to the contact center, what do you think is...

IT Support For Cloud Solutions

It’s interesting to see how IT personnel react to Cloud solutions like NICE CXone. Some folks embrace it with open arms and others sit on the sideline with arms folded, considering how they can foil the business' attempt to migrate to the "Cloud". Of course there are a lot of people in between. Recently I was at a new...