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The Cloud is Here to Stay

References to the cloud are ubiquitous today, but what does it mean? What is the cloud? The cloud, in the simplest terms, takes the multimillion-dollar business hardware currently sitting in your server rooms and moving it into a web-based environment. There are two versions of the cloud available today: hosted and tenanted. The half-cloud is the hosted version,...

What is an Ecosystem

Every business has stakeholders. The relationship between these stakeholders is at the heart of the growth and long-term viability of your business. We at NICE CXone like to sum up all of these relationships and call it an ecosystem. You may have been thinking something more like a forest or a coral reef. In...

Creating Metrics that Matter to You

One of the questions that I get most in regards to metrics in my role as a Customer Success Manager is, "What are the industry standards"? Often times, the response I most want to give them is, "Why does that matter?" Too many times, contact centers try to fit their contact center into a mold of what they...

Decisions Made Easy With A Little Help!

As we embark on another school year, there are plenty of anxiety-ridden unknowns: a new teacher, harder curriculum, dress codes, seat assignments, etc. From my son’s perspective, perhaps the most unsettling thought is the challenge of making new friends. You probably know from experience that stressing out about making friends is usually a waste of time, but...

Where’s the Proof

In the contact center industry, the guiding principal is typically, "If you can’t prove it, it didn’t happen". Have you ever called into a customer service line for a second time for the same issue, only to discover there is no record of your first contact? How frustrating is that? It makes you question if contact center...

Education's Free Webinar Series: Outbound Skill Managment

We had fantastic participation on our last webinar on leveraging our Central Reporting Tools to Effectively Manage your Contact Center. Participants learned how to create real-time dashboards and manage widgets, run and automate downloads through Data Download and how to use cURL functionality. Ther are so many great new things in Central, and I love...
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What's In A Name

I never realized how much I loved my name until I came to the Philippines. Don’t get me wrong; the Filipinos are very polite but after about three days, I remember thinking to myself, and probably commenting to my family and friends, ‘If I hear the word, Ma’am again, I will scream!’ Those calling me "Ma’am" were...