Some things are simply better together.Take the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, for example. Shortly after a food company demonstrated peanut butter at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, the tasty spread became popular in the United States. During World War II, the U.S. military put peanut butter and jelly on pre-sliced bread, a combo that became a staple of the American soldier’s diet. After those soldiers returned home, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches’ popularity increased, and they today remain America’s favorite sandwich.The humble PB&J is a perfect metaphor for another powerful duo: CXone and NICE Workforce Management (WFM). Just as PB&Js make lunch more manageable for parents and enjoyable for kids, pairing NICE WFM with CXone makes overseeing the contact center more manageable for leaders and enjoyable for agents.Today, contact centers must be focused on customer interactions no matter where they are. Increasingly, those interactions take place on digital channels—from emails to chats to social media platforms. You need a complete, integrated solution to ensure every customer need is met, regardless of the channel customers use to communicate with your organization.A comprehensive digital WFM and CX platform are better together in this environment. When integrated, they give you the tools required to do the best job for every customer, no matter where that conversation takes place. With access to more than 30 digital channels, CXone and NICE WFM together enable you to provide friction-free experiences for your customers with everything together in one place.CXone ACD enhances this integration and presents a fundamental shift in how statistics are reported and consumed by NICE WFM. CXone ACD is leading the way and is the first sending system to offer the complete picture based on this new paradigm. This new enhancement (interval and real-time) includes digital channel statistics and awareness and NICE’s patent-filed digital interval statistic paradigm, True to Interval (TTI).
Optimizing the workforce
Traditional staffing metrics aren’t cutting it anymore in our digital age. TTI technology keeps you ahead of the game in forecasting and analyzing when and where contacts are happening, so you’ll know exactly where your team is needed. TTI marries the peanut butter (CXone) and the jelly (NICE WFM) of your contact center and offers:
Crystal clear insights: Get a true picture of your team’s workload.
Crucial workforce data: TTI creates an activity-based work history.
No more silos: Merge omnichannel, contact center, and back-office operations into a common planning interval.
Supercharged efficiency: When your cross-department efficiencies are boosted with TTI, your bottom line follows suit.
The only way for a workforce management system to consume the answered and active data is to have the sending system provide it. The CXone ACD, which has embedded TTI data analytics capabilities, captures what really happens during a customer interaction. This is especially important when an employee handles more than one interaction concurrently, and you need to accurately understand customer interaction, employee workload, and AHT that feeds into your WFM solution.This data, combined with the power of NICE WFM, provides your business with a wealth of knowledge about your customer interactions and the role individual agents play.
Improving contact center day-to-day
The benefits of integrating CXone and WFM extend to all areas of the contact center. Each tool increases the abilities of the other. Some of the extra tasty positives of this NICE PB&J include:
Enabling NICE WFM to identify real-time state (all channels) for complete adherence metrics.
Improving staffing requirements and enhancing simulation for digital channels to improve scheduled open values.
Enabling NICE WFM to improve forecasting, planning, and scheduling accuracy across all channels.
Effectively solving problems of planning for omni-session handling and asynchronous handling.
Even better—your customers will see the benefits of integration, too.
Empowering the user experience
NICE CXone is a complete customer experience platform that unifies all interaction channels in one solution with common administration, routing, reporting analytics, and native and integrated WFM all in one place. NICE WFM further enhances the user experience with a modern user interface (UI) designed to streamline operations and improve support for security updates.As with the workforce side, CXone and NICE WFM boost and augment each other on the customer side. With this comprehensive platform, you have the best digital tools to create amazing customer interactions on any channel your business needs. It also enables you to equip your teams with the best resources for your agents.
A combo with staying power
The complete digital experience platform brings everything together—no outside support products needed. With the CXone and WFM combo, you can arm your workforce with the insight they need and empower your customers on the channels they like best—all thanks to this integration. Now, you’ll have plenty of time to whip up a PB&J for lunch. Tap the power of both CXone and NICE WFM and evolve your business to enjoy the new world of reporting, analytics, workforce optimization, and user experience.