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How to spot and act on agent training opportunities

How to spot and act on agent training opportunities

Training agents to be digitally fluent is a widespread opportunity. To get you started, download "The Ultimate Guide to CX Agents: Hiring, Training, Onboarding, and Measuring Contact Center Agents in a Post-Pandemic Digital World." This eBook is packed with insights from industry experts that will help you optimize your agents' skills.
Research Recap: Aberdeen Highlights the ROI of Smart Self-Service

Research Recap: Aberdeen Highlights the ROI of Smart Self-Service

Customers expect more from the companies they do business with than ever before, making seamless service across all channels—including, increasingly, self-service channels—a priority across industries. When customers prefer to address their needs themselves, they want consistent, personalized self-service capabilities that make it easier for them to get the answers and resolution they expect.

WFM in a Bot-Infused World

Customer self-service capabilities have been helping manage workload in contact centers for decades. IVRs have been automating self-service since the 1970s. Improvements in search engines have given customers direct access to knowledge base systems to conduct their own troubleshooting and problem-solving. These and other tools have been running alongside the contact center workforce for many years, giving the contact center a much-needed reprieve in headcount requirements. In today’s world, the newest self-service gadget is the “bot”.

Fast-Tracking Quality Automation

When it comes to quality management, most contact centers today have what can be considered a basic program, with a lot of manual processes. At PSCU, the largest credit union service organization in the United States, a partnership with NICE enabled the organization to fast-track its quality automation and mature its quality program in short order.