What’s the CX buzz this week? (3rd November, 2015)

The future of customer experience seems to be what everyone is talking about these days. In this week’s CX Buzz we highlight two great pieces, one from Ben Davis [econsultancy.com] on what the future holds for retail CX, and one from Marc Magee [mycustomer.com] on the future of technology in CX. We also share great content from Huffington Post, Marketing Land and Flavio Martin’s Winthecustomer.com. Enjoy!

Errrrm... Remember that time you were able to use social media on an interactive terminal in a store? To perhaps 'Like' a product or upload some ropey augmented reality selfie to Twitter? ...Nope? That's because there are many innovations that just never looked likely to be adopted, precisely because they didn't add to the enjoyment of shopping. Ben Davis ponders what's next in the future of customer experience in retail stores.
Forrester found that emotion, and how an experience makes a customer feel, is the number one factor in customer loyalty - ahead of effectiveness and ease - across 94 percent of the industries that they studied. In this piece Jason Wesbecher, who is the CMO of Mattersight, discusses the role emotion plays in customer experience and its affect on customer loyalty. Well worth the read.
Contributor Jonathan Hinz notes that, in the digital age, addressing your online marketing challenges must start with building a foundation of trust. Whether you are a business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), technology startup or major consumer brand, you are likely struggling with the same challenges: maximizing website rankings, generating leads, attracting new prospects, keeping existing customers, improving brand loyalty and boosting conversion rates. While there are countless strategies and technologies to help address these challenges, securing your customers’ trust is an effective way to help address all of them at once. It may sound simple, but trust isn’t easily won. Here are Hinz's three important starting points to incorporate into your marketing strategy.
Sentiment analysis and text analytics, voice stress analysis, operational data, smartphone tracking and wearables, and automatic analysis. These are some of the new technologies that Mark Magee VP product management, at MaritzCX, is suggesting will form part of the changing face of Customer Experience. Read up to familiarize yourself and understand what these technologies mean and then contact your nearest NICE Systems representative because we have solutions in place, as below, to help you overcome these technology challenges.
Sentiment analysis and text analytics  - /engage/voice-of-the-customer/voice-of-the-customer-analytics
Ghandi said, “A nation’s culture resides in the heart and in the soul of its people.” Although Ghandi wasn’t referring to business when he said it, this quote can and should be implemented as a core value to any business’s culture. A strong culture built internally will echo externally. You start with your people. As Corey Kime, Director of Client Experience at Lesson.ly, points out, “When an internal organizational culture makes us happy, we exude that happiness to our customers and create the foundation of exceptional service experiences.” Read on to see how Lesson.ly applies this logic to its employee culture.
We hope you enjoyed this week’s CX Buzz, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @NICE_CX

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