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What You (and Your Contact Center) Need to Know About PCI DSS

The popularity of credit and debit cards in today’s society alongside the prevalence of identity theft has led to a recent uptick in interest surrounding the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS). As you look to secure and protect the data your contact center records, it’s important to understand the PCI DSS and its specific...

Reliability in the Local Loop

If you have a call center of any size, with voice and data needs and don’t already have a redundant route into your facility, then this story is for you. Digital facilities that connect to your premise from a long distance company are called local loops, and they traverse what is sometimes referred to as...

In a Fraction of a Second Things Can Change

My wife and I have family in Arizona and we spent Christmas there this year. Returning home to Salt Lake City, we had to drive through many hours of snow and bad weather. I drive a Chevy Silverado with 4-wheel drive which I normally use when driving in bad weather. While driving up I-15...

It's 2010 and Time to Shake Things Up

2010 and a new year is beginning and it seems like a good time to discuss paradigms. A paradigm can be described as a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind, the way that we view world around us if you will. I had a real life demonstration of this once, where a series...

Bigger Better Faster - Are we Talking About Superman

Technology leapfrogging is a phenomena that is shaping data and telecommunications (and a great many other things as well) all over the world. It provides both opportunity and threat. Twenty five years ago, telephones were largely wire based and switching technology was circuit based. The United States had a high density of phone...