What’s the CX buzz this week? (13th January, 2016)

What’s the CX buzz this week? (13th January, 2016)

What does climate change have in common with CX? What are the 10 ways you can tell if your CX is behind the times? Have you stopped using social media as a marketing tool and started to treat it as a CX tool? Answers to all these questions and more in this week’s CX Buzz. Enjoy!

JOIN THE DISCUSSION: Each day we choose a piece published on the topics of either Customer Experience or Customer Service as our “Pick of the Day” and share it on social media with the hashtag #CXPOTD or #CustservPOTD. Why not share your favourite pieces each day and join the discussion. Follow us on Twitter @NICE_CX and LinkedIn for more great Industry content.

The Evolution of Customer Experience in 2015 [cxnetwork.com]
It's time to start actioning those 2016 plans, so make sure you up to speed with the trends from 2015 and the 2016 predictions that will shape them. The CXNetwork has just released their latest report 'The Evolution of Customer Experience 2015.' Listing the key trends, challenges and investments from the last 12 months and how they will shape the CX landscape in 2016. You need to sign up to get a copy of this whitepaper, but it is advisable to do so.

Social Media Is No Longer A Marketing Channel, It's A Customer Experience Channel [Forbes.com]
According to Daniel Newman, the social in social media has a new meaning. He is calling on all of you to start thinking how you can use social to really engage your audience, not just market to them or try and sell them something. Focus on engaging your audience; asking them for their opinions, comments, and ideas on how you could make things better for them. Although pertinent data can be gathered from social media platforms, the main focus should be on listening to the customer. As the title of this piece so eloquently puts it, "Social Media Is No Longer A Marketing Channel, It's A Customer Experience Channel." Hear hear!

10 Ways Climate Change and Customer Experiences Are Alike [delightability.com]
Very rarely does a headline catch our attention and make us sit up and go hmmm. But we admit it, Gregory Olson has our attention with this one, we will bite. So how is climate change and customer experience alike? He breaks it down into 9 main areas, you will have to read the whole article to understand what each one means, but we think this is a visionary and thought-provoking piece about customer experience and we want to know what you think too.

  1. Detection Informs Design.
  2. Pioneers Face Resistance.
  3. Little Things Together Have a Big Impact.
  4. Policy Must Connect With Humans.
  5. Meaningful Metrics Needed.
  6. Leadership Must Adapt.
  7. Myriad Factors Are Involved.
  8. Opponents Think It Too Expensive.
  9. Lack of Systems Thinking.
  10. What do you think?

Figure 1: Courtesy of the Peppers and Rogers CX benchmark Research Report

CX Benchmark Research: The Intersection of Business and Consumer Perspectives [peppersandrogersgroup.com]
According to Peppers and Rogers Group, TeleTech research shows that consumers and companies are traveling down different paths when it comes to customer experience priorities. Research from TeleTech found that while in some cases both groups align, in others, they are miles apart. Their 2015 TeleTech Customer Experience Benchmark Study recently surveyed 176 customer experience professionals across a number of industries about their customer experience priorities and spending plans. The data was then compared to a similar survey of 3,515 consumers to gauge their perceptions of how businesses deliver customer experience. The results show that customer experience is considered a critical business driver, but few firms are meeting current customer expectations. Check it out!

10 Ways to Tell Your Customer Experience and Engagement Strategy Is Behind the Times [cxm.co.uk]
2016 is here and Barry Smith asks, "How did your marketing and customer engagement efforts pan out this year? Are you keeping up with the changing customer landscape, or are you stuck in the past, doing things the way you always have? In response, Smith presents 10 ways to tell your current customer experience and engagement strategy is behind the times, so that you can make sure you’re starting the New Year with a fresh, current approach.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s CX Buzz, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @NICE_CX or follow us on LinkedIn



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