New Benchmark Report Highlights Performance Management Challenges

NICE and ICMI have released a new benchmark report that examines how well contact centers are harnessing data to drive improved performance. The report, "Performance Management in the Contact Center," surveyed executives and managers' top performance management challenges and uncovered tremendous opportunity for organizations to improve their approach to performance management by leveraging the right tools and best practices.

Expanded access to a wide range of technology and changing customer demands are putting the squeeze on organizations to improve performance in an increasingly complex contact center environment. More data is available than ever before, creating opportunities for organizations to use this data to their advantage to drive new opportunities, measure performance and clarify goals.

The NICE and ICMI report details the findings of the benchmark study and shares insights into how today's service organization can improve the customer experience while increasing operational efficiency. It delves into such areas as the specific agent behaviors that drive customer satisfaction, forms of rewards and recognition being used in the contact center, and more. Key findings include:

  • 55 percent of contact centers currently utilize a performance management solution
  • Leaders cite consolidating reports as the top challenge of performance management processes
  • Less than one-third of supervisors spend enough time coaching and developing their employees
  • 44 percent of contact centers do not have a system for monitoring their most desired agent behaviors
  • One in four contact centers provides a scheduling-based award for employee performance

The benchmark report also includes an in-depth examination of best practices in performance management, coaching and motivation. To see how your programs, challenges and initiatives compare to those reported by other contact centers, download the report at: /engage/workforce-optimization/performance-management.

Adam Aftergut is a product marketing manager for NICE Performance Management, the leading software solution used by contact centers to improve customer satisfaction scores (CSATs) while reducing contact center operational costs.


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