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How to Improve Absenteeism

Absenteeism is a not-insignificant challenge for the typical contact center. Unplanned absences are a constant plague, with 29% of managers naming them as their greatest challenge in workforce management.

Fortune 500 Sales Compensation RFPs

If you are managing sales compensation, then you know there are several key challenges involved. Companies of every size want to reduce payment errors, ensure faster and more accurate compensation, improve control and increase transparency. However, as volume increases and sales teams grow globally, achieving these goals becomes more and more complicated.
10 Business Objectives that can be Addressed by the Right Workforce Management Software

10 Business Objectives that can be Addressed by the Right Workforce Management Software

If you work in a contact center, you know that business is different now compared to before the pandemic struck. The most obvious difference may be that most of your agents started working from home – and almost a year later, likely still are. But you probably also noticed a change in your call volumes and patterns. Many organizations experienced a spike in volume at the beginning of the lock downs as well as an increase in handle times. And the timing of when those calls came in changed for many as well.

Four Main Steps of Strategic Workforce Planning

Is yours a company that engages in strategic workforce planning and as a result, is reaping the benefits of having the right people in the right jobs at the right time? If so, you know the makeup and capabilities of your current workforce. You’ve planned for future scenarios based on company growth. And you constantly review and take proactive steps to align your workforce with the future you foresee.