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Building Smarter Self-Service: How NICE’s Enlighten XO Powers Businesses to Deliver Engaging CX Across Digital Channels

Demand for self-service is soaring. Consumers expect more than ever, beginning with the 24/7, always-available convenience of finding solutions to their problems themselves. Though most businesses now offer at least one self-service app, a Gartner survey found that just one in 10 customers report resolving their issue using self-service entirely.

Employee Engagement Through Gamification

Over a year in to the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are working from home than ever before. Remote work was far from the norm before the pandemic—about 4.7 million U.S. employees, or about 17% of the workforce, worked from home full-time (more than five days a week). By spring of 2021, however, that number had increased to 44%. As experts at McKinsey wrote: “The virus has broken through cultural and technological barriers that prevented remote work in the past, setting in motion a structural shift in where work takes place.”

How (and Why) To Protect Vulnerable Customers

There’s no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has been harder on some segments of the population than others, and researchers have documented a huge spike in vulnerable customers as a result. In fact, one study found that fully 53% of adults display some characteristic of vulnerability, in large part due to layoffs, reduced hours at work or low financial resilience.
behind the scenes

Behind the scenes: Customer marketing helps our customers shine within their contact center

A contact center is no longer a place to just handle calls. Today, there is click-to-chat, email, text, callbacks, and all the digital channels customers use. The importance of customer experience and loyalty has become more important than ever, and technology is improving and changing rapidly. Our goal at NICE CXone is to help our customers build lasting relationships with their customers because we understand the value and importance of satisfying customers.
7 common customer service failures you can avoid with the right cloud ACD

7 common customer service failures you can avoid with the right cloud ACD

In these days of striving for excellent CX, it's important to use every tool available. The best cloud ACDs can help contact centers improve experiences and avoid service failures through sophisticated routing, smart self-service, and providing agents and supervisors with enhanced capabilities. Additionally, modern ACDs provide contact center leaders with real-time information for better decision-making and empower them to make quick, effective configuration changes.