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Why Do We Route Email

Alright, I’ve been unsettled about email routing for awhile now. Here’s my problem with the way I usually see it done. Wait, I’m ahead of myself. First let me explain how I usually run into email routing out there in the contact centers: The email hits the system, we match the need to the agents...

Availability and Uptime – Part I

I have been concentrating quite a bit of time lately on the subjects of Availability and Uptime: how they are measured, what they mean and how to make use of these meters. I've been renovating my home and my two most vital tools are a measuring tape and a square. The tape allows me to measure 25...

Compliance vs. Quality - Which is More Important

Ok, I got you! This is in fact a trick question for which there are two possible answers. Answer #1: It depends. In some cases an emphasis may be placed on compliance, particularly if your center is susceptible to lawsuits or legal scrutiny or your business is based on getting people on and off the phone as quickly...

Disaster Recovery in the Contact Center

Disaster does not have to come to an enterprise or contact center in the form of a major natural disaster worthy of CNN coverage such as an earthquake, tornado or hurricane. Disaster in the workplace can come in the form of a heavy snow or ice storm, a power outage, loss of potable water or a backhoe...
call center agents

Where Do Dispositions Live

Where does the agent application end, and the CRM begin? This question seems pretty straightforward: The agent application is where I login to the ACD, set my availability, and manage the calls - simple. I can access reports about agents, calls, and call center metrics. And the CRM is where I find information about...

Entertaining our Customers

Have you ever considered entertaining your customers as a way to better serve them and differentiate yourself from your competition and drive increased customer loyalty? We all like to be entertained. It holds our attention and we seem to remember things we enjoy. We also tend to share entertaining experiences with others. Of course...