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"At-home Agents" aka "Remote Workers"

We recently completed our 2010 inContact User Conference and it was fabulous. At the conference I moderated a panel discussion on deploying at-home agents (thank you Michael, Jill, and Penney for being fabulous panelists). While we were being prepped with microphones before the panel discussion began I asked the panelists how they refer to "at-home...

It Works!

Customers like it when you hear what they have to say. They like it when you favorably respond to a call, chat or email into your call center, and they really like it when hear what they're saying on social media. Why? A couple of reasons: first, social media is new and not every company is participating...

Six Reasons to Consider the Cloud Model

Gartner says that by 2012, 65% of support conversations will happen in the cloud and by 2013 at least 75% of customer service centers will use some SaaS application. What does this mean to you? When should you consider moving to SaaS solutions? I run a line of business focused on the contact center for Astadia, a...

ICUC 2010- Thursday Recap

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Today marked the final day of the 2010 inContact User Conference (ICUC). To finish out this year's conference, there was a Tech Talk session led by some of NICE CXone's technology leaders who provided a sneak peek into some valuable technologies on the horizon. We then...

ICUC 2010- Wednesday Recap

After an early breakfast, we had the opportunity to hear from the second keynote speaker of the conference, "customer experience transformist" Bruce Temkin. Bruce, founder of the Temkin Group and former Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, specializes in helping large organizations dramatically improve business results by providing long-term strategies and solutions for becoming...