Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (6th July, 2016)

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (6th July, 2016)

Have you noticed that there is a growing number of articles online about the importance of, or how to, leverage social media when it comes to customer experience and customer service? So have we. In fact just look at this week’s CX Buzz which features three great pieces on this topic, including how to guide your buyers using social from Lisa Marcyes []; How to leverage your Twitter followers for powerful CX feedback from Luke Porter []; And why you need to revamp your CX for social consumers from Mike Schneider []. Also don’t miss these wise words from Shep Hyken @Hyken in this week’s TWEET OF THE WEEK. Enjoy!

Guide Your Buyers Through the Customer Journey with Social Media []
Here is a concise and useful article from Lisa Marcyes at on how to engage better with your customers through social media. As she rightly says, your brand doesn't necessarily begin or end with a purchase. Your buyers are increasingly looking to social media for information that guides them through every stage of the customer lifecycle. Especially when it comes to peer reviews and referrals, buyers want validation that they’re making the right choice, so one person’s review on social media informs another person’s research. 

Customer Experience Infographics []
It has been a while since we have had a great infographic to share with you. Even more exciting is the fact that these Customer Experience Infographics are a new monthly feature of Check out the June graphic based on their recent article, "Busted: 7 Customer Experience Myths." Did we say we love this?

Guest Blog: Answer the Questions Customers Don’t Know To Ask [Hyken.Com]
What a great concept from CX Buzz regular, Shep Hyken, he invites someone to guest blog on his 'Friends on Friday' blog feature. This time Jeremy Watkin blogs about how to answer the questions that customers simply don't know how to ask. Watkin shares a short story about how a customer experience he had when buying flowers for his wife to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary (congratualtions) really made all the difference. He felt the sales person was empowered to be helpful to him and the result was a much more enjoyable end-experience.

How to Leverage your Twitter Followers for Powerful #CX Feedback []
It says a lot that more and more people are writing about social media and customer experience/service. It means that it is becoming more important, that people are starting to take it a little more seriously and most importantly that you need to sit up and pay attention. Here is a great piece by Luke Porter on how to leverage your Twitter followers to get powerful customer experience feedback.

Why You Need to Revamp the Customer Experience for Social Consumers []
Another great piece on the growing importance of social media, when it comes to customer experience/service, this time from Mike Schneider writing for He says, in order to provide authentic, human service in a digital, mobile medium, with the efficiency of text—nothing beats social media. It's where your customers are being human, and it's where your brand can be human, too. After all, some 64% of consumers prefer to use texting over voice as a customer service channel when given the choice, according to One Reach Contact Center.

This week’s TWEET OF THE WEEK is from Shep Hyken @Hyken, we know we have featured him many times before, but these words just resonate with us and we honestly couldn’t find anything better.


We hope you enjoyed this week’s CX Buzz, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @NICE_CX  or follow us on LinkedIn.