How to Save on Your Bottom Line While Improving Customer Experience

​For service providers, customer experience is the key to success. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2016, 89% of companies expect to compete mostly on the basis of customer experience.  Though CX will be the deciding factor in winning customers, it isn’t always the top priority within the organization. A recent Forrest study actually showed that only 32% of CX professionals said their company consistently considers CX as part of the business decision making. 

One of the factors that often gets in the way of customer experience success is improving the bottom line. As large organizations attempt to make savings to across the organization, it is often the customer who feels the difference, which actually ends up hurting the company more in the long run. 

The key to securing savings while ensure customer experience levels are high is by employing technology which can achieve both for the organization. 

Take contact centers for example. Many service providers’ contact centers are actually seen as a cost centers - each minute a customer is on the line, more money is being drained.  In order to lower call volume, organizations can employ software which simplifies complex agent processes and automates some of their tasks, ensuring they’re spending more time and effort dealing with customers and Relieving ​the call volume, and less time getting bogged down on tedious clicks and manual process.

Though reducing costs is a good example of a company initiative which threatens customer experience, there are many company initiatives which pose customer experience challenges. 

If you want to learn more about balancing customer experience while improving across the organization  why not check out our CXChallenge and see how you can improve!​​

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