CMO Perspectives (30th September, 2015)

It doesn't matter what we share in this week’s CMO Perspectives or what we write in this intro blurb because OMG the first article talks about the rumours that Twitter is planning to release a new product that does away with the 140 character limit, be still our Tweeting hearts. What is interesting is the debate already surfacing about the impact this will have on customer service. We share some pieces from,, and​ talking about this rumour. Enjoy!

Be still our tweeting hearts. Everyone is talking about the news that Twitter may go beyond the 10 character limit. But Christopher Heine ponders if the increased CX potential will actually be good for marketing or not. What do you think? In case you are interested here are some other great pieces online discussing this news:;;

Few topics get Ashley Taylor Anderson riled up, but none more than the overuse of PDFs as a marketing tool. In fact, she claims that by using alternative tools or formats you may actually be able to improve your customer experience. Check out her post on as she talks through PDF pros and cons and suggests other formats you should consider.

Wake up CMOs, you cannot provide great customer service if you are not actively engaging your customers through social media channels. But what does that mean and how do you make sure you are successful at it. Too many horror stories about failed Twitter conversations may put you off, but man-up because you can't let social media frighten you. Just follow these "7 Guidelines to Provide Great Customer Service on Social Media" from Simplify360 and remember ignoring customers on social media is never an option.

Do you understand what consumer motivation means? It is the practice whereby a customer's behaviour is goal-driven. For example where someone joins Weight Watchers because they want to lose weight or someone takes a mortgage because they want to buy a house. As Lance Bettencourt says, "It is critical that a company put into practice what they know about customer behavior to design products, services, and other marketing efforts to enable customers to successfully fulfill their role. In the absence of this, a company is setting itself up for failure!" That is what consumer motivation is, are you in tune with your consumers’ motivations?

The title of this great piece by Victor Milligan is "The New CMO Agenda: Shifting to a Customer-Obsessed Model." But what does that really mean. You don't even have to read the whole piece, but you would be missing out if you didn't, because the sub-title says it all, "Designing Human and Digital Experiences Is the CMO's Top Priority." Is it yours?

We hope you enjoyed this week’s CMO Perspectives, be sure to respond in the comments or tweet us @NICE_CX​.​ 


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